Hawk's Prairie Heroes

Hawk's Prairie Heroes is an event where the Rotary Club of Hawks Prairie obtains the names of several High School students from each of the High Schools in the North Thurston School District(River Ridge, North Thurston, and Timberline, and South Sound). From either principals or counselors. What we are looking for, are students who have overcome adversity, to try and make something of their life and high school career. Someone, who would otherwise go unnoticed. Not necessarily the best student with great grades, Not necessarily a great athlete, or a popular student, but someone who has overcome great personal trials, in order to move their life ahead, as opposed to dropping out and being part of the problem as opposed to the solution. These Hawks Prairie Heroes, The Hawk's Prairie Rotary Club wants to recognize with a certificate, and a cash award($500), in order to let them know that someone does indeed, in fact notice their effort, and to wish them well. This is the spirit and the attitude that makes this country great!